A long time ago, Andy Kehoe resided in a dark forest outside a small village in Romania where he fed on the blood of children, goats and the occasional lamb-stuffed potato accompanied with a robust glass of wine. Besides raw flesh, Andy loves a good potato and a full-bodied wine. After many centuries of this, science came into the world and people realized that a blood-thirsty beast was committing these atrocities against them and not God and/or the Devil. This new found intelligence boded poorly for Andy and it prompted a swift uprising and the eventual burning of Andy's forest. All was lost in the flames including his precious collection of skulls and dried flowers and his beetle farm. As he watched his forest burn and the villagers dance and rejoice, Kehoe promised revenge on every single living soul in that town and all their children and lovers to come. 

  At the time of Andy's upheaval from the forest, WWI was raging all around him as Romania and Russia battled the armies of the Central Powers. For Andy, it was a veritable smorgasbord of corpses, uprooted civilians and lost soldiers. This was his first taste of international cuisine and the variety of misery and blood was intoxicating. While stalking a wounded American soldier in Austria, he also got his first taste of a fire liquid called bourbon from a land called the United States.  

  This Kentucky elixir had a magical effect on Andy and he somehow became more human and less of a man-eating beast. After drinking this bourbon, he began to use his mouth for speaking instead of ripping, tearing and maiming. He began using his hands for writing and drawing instead of clawing and choking. After this time of communicating with humans instead of killing and eating them, he learned much about them and all their strange and fascinating behaviors. He immediately excelled at bar fights, drawing, cussing, lying and the stripping of another man's dignity.

  At the end of WWI, he eventually made his way to America, hidden on a US transport ship disguised as the corpse of a dead hero. After the long journey across the ocean, he escaped the ship in the night and slowly integrated himself into American society. Andy Kehoe now finds himself content living in Pittsburgh amongst other humans, and he spends his days quietly making paintings of the fading dreams and memories of beastly ancestors long forgotten... But his revenge on the surviving villagers and their descendants is long from forgotten and the fire of his retribution grows hotter with each passing day.