{ Human Brains' Horriblism Reviewed While Cleaning the House } Dwight Alan Chambers [Editors' note: Semi-regularly, our own Dwight Chambers will be reviewing the latest releases of Pittsburgh-area bands and musicians while going through his everyday life, seeing just how well these albums fit in with the tasks and activities they so often accompany.] On a Sunday afternoon of housecleaning and home repair, I replaced the usual soundtrack of my life (i.e., the X, B-94, and MP3s ranging in artists from Avril Lavigne and Alicia Keys to Nirvana and System of a Down) with the latest effort from Pittsburgh's own Human Brains, Horriblism. I let the warm water fill the sink as I prepare to jump headfirst into what I assume will be a vocal cesspool whose odor will undoubtedly aurally assault me. Horriblism is available at Paul's Compact Discs in Bloomfield. |